Eastern Region Report – April 2021


April 22, 2021

Brothers and Sisters,

I wanted to take this opportunity to provide an update to the members of the Eastern Region, as I have now been in my new role as Director for 4 months.

I would like to begin with a report on grievances. I have begun monthly meetings since February 2021 with the Company Directors and Labour Relations for each territory. This process has resulted in 5 meetings at CP and 1 meeting at ONR thus far, to specifically deal with grievances. So far, there have been 30 grievances resolved at CP and 7 Grievances resolve at ONR. As of now, the total compensation going back into members pockets is $47,527.04. This does not include issues that are resolved before the grievance process begins, or issues resolved at step 1 of the grievance process. 

Currently at Ontario Northland the only outstanding grievances left are the ones that have been initiated since I took over my position in January, which are still working through the step 1 and 2 process.

I have 3 more grievance meetings scheduled for next week at CP to address approximately 20 more grievances. Wade and I are also doing a separate Arbitration meeting next week, where additional grievances will also be addressed. I have been in contact with members who are receiving resolves thus far, and will continue to do so as more get resolved.

In the last couple months, I have been working along side Wade on bargaining a first agreement for Alstom Transportation. It has been a battle and a grind, but I believe we are making good headway toward getting the brothers and sisters of Alstom Transportation a fair and equitable contract that addresses compensation, seniority, benefits, work rules and equality.  

I was fortunate to be able to attend two CP Start Up meetings in Northern Ontario and one Start Up meeting in Southern Ontario. I was looking forward to attending the other Northern and Southern Start Ups, as it was my goal to be in attendance of as many of the meetings as possible this year. Unfortunately, Covid had other plans and the meetings had to be delayed, with the new travel restrictions and meeting restrictions that were put in place. It is my understanding that these meetings will take place as soon as restrictions allow and I still intend to be present at them in person when they occur. 

While the current restrictions have made meeting in person more difficult recently, I have been able to maintain my meetings using Zoom and Microsoft Teams, so that I can continue to work on addressing outstanding grievances and issues that arise in the day to day. I remain available by phone or email should any issues or concerns arise, or if there are any question that need answered. As always, I will always make sure that proper union representation is made available for any member who may be facing disciplinary action. I look forward to seeing everyone as soon as restrictions allow.

In Solidarity,

Maclean Foster