Message from the President

Brothers and Sisters,

As we welcome a new year in 2021, your new Executive Board has been sworn in and is working to represent your interests at whichever company you may work for. 

2020 was a challenging year for all, with terms that were used such as “new normal” and “abundance of caution” that became part of our vocabularies as our members worked through an unprecedented pandemic. This pandemic has seen health concerns for members, some touched by Covid-19 personally and dramatically. It has raised our collective awareness of the need for strong health and safety measures to be in place and has brought forward continuous dialogues with the companies that we represent members at on ensuring a safe and healthy working environment, particularly as our members face travel and working during the pandemic. 

We are fortunate in most areas that work has gone on and our members paychecks have not been impacted by the pandemic, however we have seen shorter seasons and cutbacks as a result in certain areas. We will continue to work for our members that have been affected until they are all back to work.  

2020 was an exciting year as we welcomed new members from Alstom Transport into our group and we are working on getting them a strong Teamsters contract that provides them fairness and stability in their workplace. These members should be applauded for their solidarity that they have already shown, and we welcome them and look forward to a bright future with them in our membership.

Over the last year, there have been new bargaining agreements signed with several of our short lines, including Ontario Northland, Hudson Bay Railway, Algoma Central Railway to name a few. In the upcoming year, we will be going into bargaining with several roads and will be focusing on strengthening the agreements that we have there for our members.

Your new Executive Board is now made up with the following people. The contacts page on this website has been updated with each Board member’s contact information. 

Wade Phillips – President
Gary Doherty – Vice President
Anthony Della Porta – Secretary Treasurer

Atlantic Region Director – Patrick Gauthier
Eastern Region Director – Maclean Foster
Prairie Region Director – Ron Bradley
Pacific Region Director – Trevor Marshall

We look forward to the many challenges ahead and wish only for the health and prosperity of our members, their workplaces, their families and the communities in which they live. 

Keep your eye on the site, we will be updating with regularity as issues arise. 

In Solidarity, 

Wade Phillips